Most agents prefer that you email them a snapshot, with your height, weight and measurements. You can also list any experience you have had. Remember for new models , it is not necessary to have experience, just provide a snapshot. The agent can then determine if you have look that they could use. Some agencies have open calls . Open calls are where you can drop in during their open call time and meet with an agent or representative to discuss if you are right for the agency..
How do I know what agencies to approach.
There are many types of agencies . Modelling agencies, Talent Agencies, Voice Agencies..Background Agencies.
Many agencies today represent both actors and models for work such as commercial print, Fashion, Voice overs, Background.
Some agencies will only represent actors only. Some agencies will represent Fashion models only Other agencies will represent all ages and all types for many different jobs, such as catalogues, film, televison, commercials, and even background work.
This site was created to help individuals pursuing their dream in the model and talent industry that are interested in getting into television commercials, feature films ,magazines, catalogues and print ads. If you have any questions please post in comments, our advisory board will help answer your questions about the model and talent industry.
I would like to welcome you to our site.
This site was created to help models and actors get the right information about agencies and the modelling and Acting Business.
If you have a question that needs to be answered. We can help!.
If you have a question that needs to be answered. We can help!.