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Monday, April 27, 2009

How Can I succeed as a model

A model must no longer look a specific way in order to succeed. Looks can range from character to cutie. As lifestyles change, so do the trends in advertising, television commercials, print ads and fashion. Socioeconomic trends plays an important role in determining which looks will be in demand. Model & Talent Agents decide who to represent based on their clients current demands. Judging an individual's potential for success can be difficult in this field. Often more important than any other physical feature is attitude, personality and a sparkle from within. This will inspire decision makers to book the appropriate model/talent. Everyone has their own look which makes them unique. The modelling field is very diversified and utilizes people of many different looks and talents. Persistence and professionalism are the keys to success.
Q: Do I have to take a course to become a model?
A: No but it helps! Professional training can be a vital advantage in any highly competitive field and most clients do not want to book a total beginner. Besides, the skills and knowledge acquired during training can be applied to any other pursuit or endeavor.