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Monday, April 4, 2016

Interested in Acting?

A new Actor must have the passion for the industry!  So many new actors, give up too quickly.  They seek out an agent, and then they expect the agent to do all the work. They sit back and wait for the emails or calls from their agent.  Agents like talent that are pro active in the industry.   New talent must perfect their craft such as applying themselves for non paid or low paid work to gain experience and build up their resume.

There are some great sites that actors can sign up on to help them build on their experience.   Casting Call Pro is a great site to sign up on.

Remember an agents like to hear and see new projects that their talent are working on.   It is imperative to be pro active with your acting career.   Success doesn't happen overnight, it takes a lot of hard work and having the drive and the passion to succeed!