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Tuesday, February 3, 2015


So have you ever wondered why you are not getting lots of auditions?

Agents like their talent to take initiative in submitting themselves for various projects to gain more experience in the industry.  Talent can register on Mandy.com, Aaction Auditions and submit themselves for appropriate roles!

Remember the biz is very competitive.  Casting Directors and agents like talent that are pro active in the biz!

 Talent should have a great photo that is a correct representation of themselves.  Photos should be recent and not dated!   Talent must constantly work on their craft with training and acquiring film credits on various productions.

 Remember even student productions are great to land as these young aspiring directors could be the ones later down the road that hire you for paying gigs.  Casting directors like to see your resume growing as this shows the casting director that you are motivated and have to the passion to succeed in the industry.

Remember success doesn't happen overnight!  It takes a lot of hard work on the talents part, it is a 50/50 work relationship!