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Friday, January 15, 2016

Happy New Year!

Welcome to  this exciting year of  2016!

Here is some great information for you to get going for the New Year!

In the world of commercials and acting, you only get one chance to make a first impression. While going out on casting calls, appearance is crucial! Casting directors want to see what you can offer to the part you are auditioning for, and what you can bring to the table for the role. Here are a list of tips that will help you look the part and ace your next casting!
1.Dress for your body!
When attending a commercial casting, it is crucial that your outfit does not take away from your look and acting, that being said, you can still put together basics to help enhance your natural look. Make sure the outfit you wear to your casting is form fitting and fits your body type. Nothing takes the focus off your look more than an ill-fitting outfit. When making a first impression it is crucial that the casting director knows your potential and skills, and the wrong clothing choice can take away from that. Remember- you’re the talent, and your talent is your accessory! Refrain from any accessories, stripes, patterns and logos, as they distract the focus off of you.
2.Keep it casual
Unless told to come dressed specifically for the role, keep it simple, the casting directors want to see your talent , and do not care for any accessory you wear that can distract from you showcasing your talent at the audition, if you are ever unsure on what to wear always be sure to ask your agent for clarification, you can never go wrong with clarifying!
3.And keep it natural!
When attending castings, it is important to keep hair, makeup and nails natural. Casting directors do not want to see a face full of makeup, they encourage you to come as your most natural self, as it enables the casting team to see the canvas they have to work with and play around with. If you must wear makeup, keep it to a minimum. Light concealer or light foundation, mascara and neutral lipstick or gloss works best when going to auditions, as it plays up your features but does not drown them in makeup. If you are a man and have hair, make sure you show up to your casting g with your hair groomed and styled.
 4.Clarification is Key!
One of the things the casting staff love is talent who come to an audition looking put together. There is nothing more irritating than someone who appears as if they just rolled out of bed and went to the casting. Showing up prepared and presentable sets you a step in the right direction! As we said above, if you are unsure about how to look for the audition, you can never go wrong with asking your agent for clarification, they will be sure to help steer you in the right direction look wise to help you land the role!

Follow these tips to help prepare you for any acting auditions and commercial castings you may have, being prepared helps you feel and look the part! Good luck