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Friday, June 6, 2014

Audition Do's and Don't

Arrive on time, do not be late!  Make a good first impression!  Sign in when you arrive at your audition.  Make sure you know your sides, (lines) if you have a speaking role.    If your agent sent you your sides, make sure you memorize them.  Casting is too busy to have talent that are not prepared!  

It is imperative you look the part that you are auditioning for,  make sure your wardrobe is appropriate.  

Stay away from   bold colours, stripes, and loud patterns, logos etc.   Blue is a great colour! Stay away from RED

Make sure when you slate on camera, that means say your name and agency, that you look directly into the camera, and speak clearly and smile.

Summer is a very busy time in Toronto for auditions, so make sure you check your emails, phone messages for those auditions.  Your agents work very hard to get you those auditions, and it is up to you to land the role.  Your agent doesn't get paid, unless you get the part!

Happy auditioning!